My Journey With Braces As An Adult

10 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

On my blog,, I wrote a goal-setting post about How to Efficiently Create Goals for 2021. I shared how I loved having braces at 25. I came back to this essay twice, during two different processes during this braces journey that continues, and now, yes on Medium this will be the third time I’m updating this story (lol). But I decided to keep the “old-edition” and “updated editions” of this essay cause that brings the whole point of this story. So that’s a brief disclaimer on this personal essay.

As I write this draft up, as of now, I have one week left in my braces journey. Granted, my journey wasn’t that bad at all. It’s been only 6 months and I’m doing a clear aligners treatment. But I want to share with you more about the journey process. That way you can ask yourself in any situation that you find yourself in: Am I enjoying my journey?

Update on My Personal Note: I wrote that note before my latest appointment; so you get to see part of the journey “live in action”.

The BackStory

Photo by Atikah Akhtar on Unsplash

So let’s start with a little backstory. I hate the dentist, not a fan. I’ve only had bad experiences with dentists. I wouldn’t even call it a bad experience, just never felt comfortable with a particular dentist. I only had one dentist where I felt comfortable and that was my childhood dentist. I’d seen him until I was 5 years old due to insurances issues after that. So it became a back and forth with random dentists every few years.

It wasn’t until eighth grade, where I found a dentist only because my cousin had worked in the office back then. That’s where they told me I would need braces. I was shocked because I didn’t want braces now! Not with eighth-grade graduation and events around the corner, so I refused.

I also knew braces were a lot of money. A part of my thirteen- year- old self wanted to pay for them myself. I mean they were going to be on my teeth right? It seemed only fair to me that I would pay for them myself. That could also be a way to stall from getting them. I was fortunate that my teeth weren’t in horrible shape, just needed a few tweaks. I never really needed braces, I saw it more as a choice. So that’s how I thought about it, as a choice, a choice that could wait. But of course, like all good mothers do, mine never let me live it down that I had refused to start the braces process in eighth grade.

Years Passing

So the “nagging” continued. Yes, it did feel more of nagging back then, to the point where she said: I would feel at peace if you go and get your teeth checked. But it really was more looking out for my benefit in the long run. She could see the long-term benefits that I wasn’t seeing. So when I became an adult and had a full-time job, I made that one of my first goals.

Well when I went to the motherland, Colombia, in 2020, I went to a dentist for a cleaning. Once again, I was told I would need braces. Luckily for me, I could tell him I was on my way, saving up for it. He told me I should do the full process, orthodontist and all. I knew the other option I was considering was cheaper so I had shift my goal (and budget) a little bit. I first had to find a job (after a lay-off in 2019) that would offer dental insurance when I got back home.

The Journey Begins

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

And I did. I waited for three months for the insurance to kick in. I made sure to pick the option that offered orthodontics hoping it would cover SOMETHING. Through previous research I knew that orthodontics wasn’t covered by all insurances. Shortly it was July and it was time. I wanted to find a dentist before I started braces because that made sense in my head. Also, I wanted my dentist to recommend me an orthodontist instead of a random Google search. I was now looking for a dentist, but nervous because of my past experiences. I scrolled on the insurance app and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I looked at a name and it rang a bell. There he was, my childhood dentist, affiliated to the insurance I had signed up for at work!

I was nervous though, it was COVID season. I was already backtracked a few months because of the lay-off I had. I didn’t want COVID to backtrack me again. So I took the leap of faith and called to see if they were at least accepting new patients.

Sure enough they were. Ironically enough, the woman at the front desk knew who I was, even after 15 years. And with my luck too, I had asked for my first day off at my job for July 6th. Luckily enough, the first appointment available was that same day I was off. I took that as a sign from God. God was working in my favor, it was like he was clearing my path for me to work on this.

So here we are; I’m thrilled to go to the dentist. The office was exactly the same way I remembered it as a kid, with a few minor changes. Good news, everything is fine and dandy with my teeth. And best assured, my dentist recommends me an orthodontist.

Low and behold, another sign from God came. I called the orthodontist office from my train ride home one day. They said they had an appointment that same day for a consultation! I couldn’t believe it! That feeling of God clearing my path came back. I was nervous, but I was like why not! Let’s get this process rolling with (the receptionist said the same thing too when I called).

The Actual Process

Photo by Bekky Bekks on Unsplash

And now here started the braces part of this journey. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I am determined to make it go by as quick as possible, so I’m determined to be good with my braces 😇. In the beginning, I listened to my orthodontist word by word. I brushed my teeth after every meal, even after I drank coffee at work. A friend even bought me mini toothpaste so I could have it in the office. But with every journey comes a challenge. I had to get adjusted to them. Frustrated when I couldn’t take them off or put them on quick enough or all the gross droll that came with it. I took a little longer with lunch putting them on and off, needing to wake up a little earlier too.

I took the best care of them as I could. I wanted to do things right and finish it as quick as possible. My end date was mid-February. I knew my teeth weren’t in horrible shape, a few tweaks to get my bite in check and that’s all I needed. So I was always confident that it would be a short process, so I wanted to keep it smooth sailing as much as I could on my part.

After I got used to them, I didn’t brush my teeth after every meal but I still had to take them off constantly. But it was a quick snap on and off for me now, it hadn’t taken me 15 minutes anymore. I was taking weekly pictures to show the weeks passing. (Thank you to those who put up with those Snapchats) but I wanted to see more of the transformation happening.

The first transformation I saw was a small gap near my front teeth and that was exciting! It was the first thing I could see! The transformation was happening! Especially since most of the work was being done in the back of my teeth. My excitement was growing and growing. I was going to my checkups every few weeks and my orthodontist said I was doing great!

To keep it simple, I had received 3 boxes divided into the trays (weeks) I need. It wasn’t until I was on my last box when I was FaceTiming my friends, where I took a moment to enjoy the journey. My braces were a part of me at that moment. A small part of me, a temporary part of me, but it was me.

I was the girl with clear liners, the girl who had needed them for 12 years and refused to. I looked for a job with dental insurance for this reason. I saved up money for this moment and had gone through a lot to get here. My goal was coming true, it was happening. Every time I would switch my liners for a new week, I would get excited. It was closer and closer!

I started to look at my liners different then. I wasn’t excited for the journey to be over. It was a truly pleasurable experience, only brief moments of pain. But it’s always exciting to finish and complete a goal!

The Set-Back

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Now here I am, a day before my final orthodontist, excited. Tomorrow could be the day where the journey comes to an end. But there was always a sliver of a chance that tomorrow MAY not have been the day my braces came off. There was always a chance that my teeth didn’t shape how they needed to.

Well, I started to freak out and worry when I got more x-rays during my appointment. The fear was sinking in. I no longer had insurance or a job. I no longer had income coming in. Sure I had savings, but those savings were to cover the cost of the braces, nothing extra.

As they were doing new digital scans, I thought: I would figure it out, I wouldn’t let money be an obstacle. If I had to use my credit card I would, if I would have to ask my parents for a small loan I would. If I would have to give up my first few paychecks to pay it off, I would. I wasn’t going to stop the process, I had gone this far.

So I tried to remind myself that as I was in the chair, realizing that this wasn’t the end. It had only been the first step, a big one, but there were still ways to go. Naturally I’m disappointed, but I tried tried tried to be positive in all of this as I held back my tears. Like I wrote back in that goals post: yes, it might be a setback, but I wasn’t going to set ME back. Yes, there may be new obstacles in my way, but I would continue the journey. I would still work on my other goals as I worked on this one to.

I look up at My Personal Note above and smile. Through my writing and drafting this post, you could tell how excited I was too, thinking I was done.

Reflection for You

So now I share this story with you for a few reasons. Well, I wanted to share about how to enjoy the journey and take a moment to enjoy where you are right now. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s only temporary, it’s only a part of you. If it’s a good journey, enjoy it. If it isn’t so great, then remember it’s only temporary. It’s a part of you but it’s not you.

But now with this new development, I wanted to share about setbacks. Setbacks happen, it’s part of the journey. Setbacks are only challenges, obstacles. But as my new favorite saying goes, don’t let it hold YOU back. Are you going to let your setback ruin the whole journey? The minuscule set-back? Are you going to let it hold you back from your goals? Are you gonna stop? After you have gone this far? No, of course not. Naturally, you’re going to feel disappointed, but you’ve gone THIS far.

I give this challenge to you: have you appreciated your journey enough to remember it to tell your story? To write a blog post about it? If not, then take a second to appreciate it now! You still have a chance.

From Giphy

If you are religious, faithful, or any kind of spiritual: You were never alone in your journey in the first place. So what makes you think you’ll be alone now? God has never left your side. He didn’t leave you astray before when you were strong, he certainly won’t do it now during this setback. Remember, God, welcomes you, even more, when you’re weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9). Also, always remember you have the answers in your hands, you just have to take action and have faith.

So I leave you today, to remember the journey you’re on: good or bad. Remember it’s only temporary, it’s a part of you but it’s not you. Every experience makes you stronger. Every lesson learned from it makes you into the person you’re meant to be. There will be setbacks, those are part of the journey, but they won’t destroy you. Don’t let them destroy you. The journey continues. Don’t forget about everything that got you to this point, no matter what that is. Don’t let your disappointment get the best of you. Like the journey, the setback is only temporary. Keep at it, keep at your goals, don’t stop because you’ve already gone this far to turn back.

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I love writing. For me, it's a form of therapy. I want to share my personal stories so someone else out there can relate and not feel alone